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Permaculture: Resources

Again, much depends on further agreement, but by and large all added activities can be made under the auspices of the other SJH classes and event. The special transition themes could be regarded as fitting in the 'Permaculture' class, but they are just as relevant in the Social Science class or elsewhere...

Central text books:
Permaculture, Pathways and Principles Beyond Sustainability

Permaculture, a teacher manual

Teaching permaculture creatively

The Transition handbook 1 and 2

Articles from the Permaculture Activist magazine.


A Farm for the Future

Synergistic Gardening
In Transition 2, The Transition Network
The Turning Point, Findhorn


An online selection, significantly an interview with Darren Doherty.


Fair trade game
Transition cards
Permaculture principle cards

Practical activities will be integrated with ongoing activities at SJH.
Only significant tools we'll need are tools for surveying, ranging from geodetic tripod, simple A frame, hose level to GPS.

Fair amount of white-board/flip chart use.

External consultants:
I believe the necessary competence is available on SJH already. It could be very beneficial to host a ReGenAg workshop, and we need another certified PDC teacher as examiner for the students presentation of their PDC designs.

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